Distributed formation control for unicycle vehicles

In this page we show how to implement a distributed formation control algorithm for a team of unicycle vehicles. The resulting algorithm is simulated with Gazebo by using Turtlebot3 ground robots. A reference for this example can be found in [FCME10].


We assume a working installation of ChoiRbot and Gazebo is available (see the installation page), and also that the Turtlebot3 ROS 2 files are installed. Moreover, we assume the reader to be familiar with the basic concepts of ROS 2, Python and ChoiRbot (see the quick start page).

Maths of the problem

We consider driving a team of \(N\) robots to a translationally independent formation in the \((x,y)\) plane that satisfies a given set of constraints.

System dynamics and communication graph

The considered algorithm models each robot as having single-integrator dynamics

\[\dot{x}_i = u_i,\]

where for all \(i \in \{1, \ldots, N\}\), \(x_i \in \mathbb{R}^2\) is the \(i\)-th system state (i.e., position) and \(u_i \in \mathbb{R}^2\) is the \(i\)-th system input (i.e., velocity).

We assume the robots communicate according to a given undirected graph \(\mathcal{G} = (\mathcal{V}, \mathcal{E})\), where \(\mathcal{V} = \{1, \ldots, N\}\) is the set of robots and \(\mathcal{E} \subset \mathcal{V} \times \mathcal{V}\) is the set of edges. If \((i,j) \in \mathcal{E}\), then also \((j,i) \in \mathcal{E}\) and robots \(i\) and \(j\) can send information to each other. The set of neighbors of each agent \(i\) is denoted by \(\mathcal{N}_i = \{j \in \mathcal{V} \mid (i,j) \in \mathcal{E}\}\).

Formation specification and distributed control law

The desired formation is assumed to be rigid (see also [FCME10]) and is specified by a set of desired distances \(\{d_{ij}\}_{(i,j) \in \mathcal{E}}\) between any two communicating robots \(i\) and \(j\).

The distributed control law applied by each robot \(i\) is

\[u_i(t) = \sum_{j \in \mathcal{N}_i} (\|x_i(t) - x_j(t)\|^2 - d_{ij}^2) (x_j(t) - x_i(t)).\]

In the example considered here, there are \(N = 6\) ground robots that must form an hexagon with side \(L\). Adjacent robots can communicate and also opposite robots, therefore the adjacency matrix of the communication graph is

\[\begin{split}\text{Adj} = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1\\ 1 & 0 & 1 & 0 & 1 & 0\\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

Adjacent robots must have distance \(L\), while opposite robots must have distance \(2L\), therefore the matrix of desired inter-robot distances is

\[\begin{split}D = \begin{bmatrix} 0 & L & 0 & 2L & 0 & L \\ L & 0 & L & 0 & 2L & 0 \\ 0 & L & 0 & L & 0 & 2L\\ 2L & 0 & L & 0 & L & 0 \\ 0 & 2L & 0 & L & 0 & L \\ L & 0 & 2L & 0 & L & 0 \\ \end{bmatrix}\end{split}\]

Implementation in ChoiRbot

In order to implement the formation control example in ChoiRbot, we consider the following nodes for each robot:

  • a Team Guidance node that exchanges the current position with the neighbors and computes the input \(u_i(t)\) with a certain frequency

  • a Control node that converts the single-integrator input (vector velocity) into the corresponding suitable unicycle input (angular and linear velocity)

To run the simulation, we will also need to interface ChoiRbot with Turtlebot3 robots in Gazebo. Finally, we will also need a launch file and the executable scripts (as required by the ChoiRbot paradigm).

We analyze each of these components separately in the following subsections.

Team Guidance

The Team Guidance layer is responsible for the actual implementation of the distributed control law outlined above. It is based on the abstract class DistributedControlGuidance, which extends the basic Guidance class as follows:

from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3
from choirbot.guidance import Guidance

class DistributedControlGuidance(Guidance):

    def __init__(self, update_frequency: float, pos_handler: str=None, pos_topic: str=None):
        super().__init__(pos_handler, pos_topic)
        self.publisher_ = self.create_publisher(Vector3, 'velocity', 1)
        self.update_frequency = update_frequency
        self.timer = self.create_timer(1.0/update_frequency, self.control)

When the class is instantiated, the __init__ method creates a publisher for the velocity inputs and creates a timer that executes the method control with a user-defined frequency. Note that, since this class extends Guidance, it inherits several useful attributes:

  • current_pose, which always contains the most up-to-date robot pose and is periodically updated by the parent class;

  • communicator, which is an instance of the class Communicator and provides methods for graph-based communication;

  • in_neighbors and out_neighbors, which are the lists of the robot’s in- and out- neighbors (in this example the graph is undirected so the two lists are identical and are equal to \(\mathcal{N}_i\)).

The main body of the class that is repeatedly executed is contained in the control method. The code is as follows:

def control(self):
    # exchange current position with neighbors
    data = self.communicator.neighbors_exchange(self.current_pose.position, self.in_neighbors, self.out_neighbors, False)

    # compute input
    u = self.evaluate_velocity(data)

    # send input to planner/controller

When the method is run, it first exchanges the current position with the neighbors by calling neighbors_exchange(), which returns a dictionary with the positions received from the neighbors. Then, it calls the method evaluate_velocity, which computes the actual value of \(u_i(t)\), and finally calls the method send_input, which sends the input to the controller node. The method evaluate_velocity is left unimplemented in order to allow for arbitrary control laws, while the body of send_input is very simple and only publishes the computed input on the velocity topic:

def send_input(self, u):
    msg = Vector3()

    msg.x = u[0]
    msg.y = u[1]
    msg.z = u[2]


In order to implement the formation control law, the class DistributedControlGuidance must be extended to override the evaluate_velocity method. The child class FormationControlGuidance is as follows:

import numpy as np
from numpy.linalg import norm

class FormationControlGuidance(DistributedControlGuidance):

    def __init__(self, update_frequency: float, gain: float=0.1, pos_handler: str=None, pos_topic: str=None):
        super().__init__(update_frequency, pos_handler, pos_topic)
        self.formation_control_gain = gain
        self.weights = self.get_parameter('weights').value

    def evaluate_velocity(self, neigh_data):
        u = np.zeros(3)
        for ii, pos_ii in neigh_data.items():
            error = pos_ii - self.current_pose.position
            u += self.formation_control_gain*(norm(error)**2- self.weights[ii]**2) * error
        return u

As it can be seen from the __init__ method, this class requires that the ROS parameter weights is set. This parameter represents the desired inter-robot distances \(\{d_{ij}\}_{(i,j) \in \mathcal{E}}\) and must be passed to each robot \(i\) as a dictionary with each element having key \(j\) and value \(d_{ij}\). The evaluate_velocity method is simply the implementation of the distributed formation control law and returns \(u_i(t)\).

Unicycle control

The goal of the control node is to translate the vector velocity input \(u_i(t)\) into the corresponding unicycle inputs \(v_i(t)\) (linear velocity) and \(\omega_i(t)\) (angular velocity). This translation is performed according to the approach described in [FCWGW+20] within the class UnicycleVelocityController. The initialization block of the class is as follows:

from choirbot.controller import Controller
from geometry_msgs.msg import Vector3, Twist
import numpy as np

class UnicycleVelocityController(Controller):

    def __init__(self, pos_handler: str=None, pos_topic: str=None):
        super().__init__(pos_handler, pos_topic)
        self.subscription = self.create_subscription(Vector3, 'velocity', self.control_callback, 1)
        self.publisher_ = self.create_publisher(Twist, 'cmd_vel', 1)
        self.yaw = 0.0
        self.yaw_old = 0.0
        self.yaw_old_old = 0.0

Since the main job of this class is to translate the vector velocity input into a unicycle input, in the __init__ method we simply create a publisher and a subscription for the relative topics and we initialize the quantities for the control translation scheme. The main job is performed by the subscription callback method control_callback, which implements the law described in [FCWGW+20] and publishes the translated input in the cmd_vel topic.

Interfacing with Gazebo

In order to run the algorithm within the Gazebo simulation environment, we first need to create the robots. To this end, we use the SpawnEntity service provided by the Gazebo ros factory plugin, as suggested by this thread of the ROS community. This service requires the Gazebo process to be executed with the following command, which will be embedded later directly in the launch file:

gazebo -s libgazebo_ros_factory.so

To create the robots, we use a dedicated node interfacing with the SpawnEntity service. It is implemented in the file turtlebot_spawner.py in the choirbot_examples package. The node requires the following ROS parameters

  • position: coordinates where the robot will be spawned

  • namespace: ROS namespace for the robot nodes and topics

In the launch file, we will use differentiated namespaces for each robot and we also set the initial position for the formation control algorithm.

After each robot is created (suppose with the namespace ns), Gazebo will publish its updated pose in the /ns/odom topic, which is retrieved by the Team guidance class to compute the control input. Robots receive commands in the /ns/cmd_vel topic as published by the unicycle control.

Launch file and executables

To launch the simulation, we first create the executable files in which all the relevant classes are instantiated. The following block shows the guidance executable:

import rclpy
from choirbot.guidance.distributed_control import FormationControlGuidance
import time

def main():

    frequency = 100
    gain = 0.1

    guidance = FormationControlGuidance(frequency, gain, 'pubsub', 'odom')


The body of the main function simply initializes the ROS python client (rclpy), creates the team guidance class FormationControlGuidance and spin ‘s over it. The code for the control layer is similar. We need to add the two executables as entry points in the setup.py file of the package, together with the turtlebot spawner:

    'console_scripts': [
        'choirbot_formationcontrol_guidance = choirbot_examples.formationcontrol.guidance:main',
        'choirbot_formationcontrol_control = choirbot_examples.formationcontrol.control:main',
        'choirbot_turtlebot_spawner = choirbot_examples.turtlebot_spawner:main'

Finally, we can write the launch file, which will do the following tasks:

  • open an instance of Gazebo

  • spawn the Turtlebot robots with differentiated namespaces

  • execute the Team guidance layer and the control layer of each robot

First, we prepare a few needed variables as follows

import numpy as np

def generate_launch_description():

    # reset seed of random number generator

    L = 3.0 # length of hexagon sides

    # generate communication matrix
    Adj = np.array([ # alternated zeros and ones
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0],
        [0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1],
        [1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0]

    # generate matrix of desired inter-robot distances
    # adjacent robots have distance L
    # opposite robots have distance 2L
    W = np.array([
        [0,   L,   0,   2*L, 0,   L],
        [L,   0,   L,   0,   2*L, 0],
        [0,   L,   0,   L,   0,   2*L],
        [2*L, 0,   L,   0,   L,   0],
        [0,   2*L, 0,   L,   0,   L],
        [L,   0,   2*L, 0,   L,   0]

    # generate coordinates of an hexagon with center in the origin
    a = L/2
    b = np.sqrt(3)*a

    P = np.array([
        [-b, a , 0],
        [0, 2.0*a, 0],
        [b, a, 0],
        [b, -a, 0],
        [0, -2.0*a, 0],
        [-b, -a, 0]

    # initial positions have a perturbation of at most L/3
    P += np.random.uniform(-L/3, L/3, (6,3))

Now we create a launch description with the robot executables:

from launch_ros.actions import Node
from launch.actions import TimerAction
from launch import LaunchDescription

def generate_launch_description():

    # ... previous code

    robot_launch = []

    # add executables for each robot
    for i in range(6):

        in_neighbors  = np.nonzero(Adj[:, i])[0].tolist()
        out_neighbors = np.nonzero(Adj[i, :])[0].tolist()
        weights = W[i,:].tolist()

        # guidance
            package='choirbot_examples', node_executable='choirbot_formationcontrol_guidance', output='screen',
            parameters=[{'agent_id': i, 'N': N, 'in_neigh': in_neighbors, 'out_neigh': out_neighbors, 'weights': weights}]))

        # controller
            package='choirbot_examples', node_executable='choirbot_formationcontrol_controller', output='screen',
            parameters=[{'agent_id': i}]))

    # the previous executables will be started with a 10-second delay to let Gazebo open
    timer_action = TimerAction(period=10.0, actions=[LaunchDescription(robot_launch)])

Note that in the previous code we passed the relevant ROS parameters for the Team guidance and Control classes. For each robot, we must also run a robot spanwer node:

def generate_launch_description():

    # ... previous code

    launch_description = []

    for i in range(6):

        position = P[i, :].tolist()

        # turtlebot spawner
            package='choirbot_examples', node_executable='choirbot_turtlebot_spawner', output='screen',
            parameters=[{'namespace': 'agent_{}'.format(i), 'position': position}]))

Finally, we add the Gazebo launcher (gazebo.launch.py) and the delayed nodes to the final launch description:

from launch.actions import IncludeLaunchDescription
from launch.launch_description_sources import PythonLaunchDescriptionSource
from ament_index_python.packages import get_package_share_directory
import os

def generate_launch_description():

    # ... previous code

    # include launcher for gazebo
    gazebo_launcher = os.path.join(get_package_share_directory('choirbot_examples'), 'gazebo.launch.py')
    launch_description.append(timer_action) # delayed nodes

    return LaunchDescription(launch_description)

Running the simulation

To run the simulation, we simply need to execute the launch file. First we source the workspace:

source install/setup.bash

Now we are ready to run the example:

ros2 launch choirbot_examples formationcontrol.launch.py

A Gazebo window will open. After a few seconds, robots start to move until they reach the hexagonal formation:




Mehran Mesbahi and Magnus Egerstedt. Graph theoretic methods in multiagent networks. Volume 33. Princeton University Press, 2010.


Sean Wilson, Paul Glotfelter, Li Wang, Siddharth Mayya, Gennaro Notomista, Mark Mote, and Magnus Egerstedt. The robotarium: globally impactful opportunities, challenges, and lessons learned in remote-access, distributed control of multirobot systems. IEEE Control Systems Magazine, 40(1):26–44, 2020.