Distributed dynamic task assignment with ground robots

In this page we show how to implement a distributed dynamic task assignment scenario. We consider the task assignment problem formulation and the distributed simplex algorithm proposed in [TABNBA12]. Each robot cooperates to compute a problem solution and executes the self-assigned tasks. We consider an additional cloud node that generates task requests and sends them to the robots dynamically. The scenario is simulated on Gazebo with Turtlebot3 ground robots.


We assume a working installation of ChoiRbot and Gazebo is available (see the installation page), and also that the Turtlebot3 ROS 2 files are installed. This example requires the DISROPT package to be installed.

The reader is assumed to be familiar with the basic concepts of ROS 2, Python and ChoiRbot (see the quick start page).

Description of the problem

We consider a team of robots that must self-assign a set of tasks while minimizing the total robot path length. Assume there are \(N\) robots (indexed by \(i\)) and \(N\) tasks (indexed by \(k\)). A scalar \(c_{ik}\) represents the cost incurred by robot \(i\) when servicing task \(k\). The goal is to find the optimal assignment, i.e. to assign each robot \(i\) to exactly one task \(j\) such that the total incurred cost is minimized. To compute the optimal assignment, robots must solve the following linear program

\[\begin{split}\begin{aligned} \min_{x} \: & \: \sum_{i, k} c_{ik} x_{ik} \\ \text{subj. to} \: & \: 0 \leq x_{ij} \leq 1, \hspace{0.5cm} \forall \: i, k \\ & \: \sum_{k} x_{ik} = 1 \hspace{0.5cm} \forall \: i, \\ & \: \sum_{i} x_{ik} = 1 \hspace{0.5cm} \forall \: k. \end{aligned}\end{split}\]

Once an optimal solution of the previous problem is found, the binary variable \(x_{ik}\) is \(1\) if task \(k\) is assigned to robot \(i\) and \(0\) otherwise. The constraints in the optimization problem ensure a one-to-one assignment. Note that in the optimization problem it is assumed that the number of tasks and the number of robots is the same (\(N\)).

The optimization problem is solved using the Distributed Simplex algorithm in [TABNBA12]. After the solution of the problem, each robot \(i\) examines the variables \(x_{ik}\) for all \(k\). Only one of them will be equal to one, corresponding to the index \(k\) of the assigned task. The robot immediately start execution of the task by moving itself toward the goal position. In this example, a tasks is considered executed once the robot arrives at its position.

Dynamic scenario

In the considered example, task requests are assumed to arrive dynamically over time. That is, initially there are \(N\) tasks that must be executed by the robots. As soon as one of the tasks has been executed, another task request arrives and the robots re-run the optimization algorithm to compute a new assignment.

Implementation in ChoiRbot

In order to implement the dynamic task assignment example in ChoiRbot, we consider the following nodes for each robot:

  • a Team Guidance node that receives task requests, runs the distributed optimization algorithm (which requires communication with the neighbors) to determine the task assigned to the robot and triggers execution of the task to the planning node

  • a Planning node that receives the target positions and interfaces with the Control node to reach those positions

  • a Control node implementing a closed-loop unicycle controller to reach the designated positions

For this simulation we also consider an additional “Task table” node that generates the tasks requests and sends them to the robots.

To run the simulation, we will also need to interface ChoiRbot with Turtlebot3 robots in Gazebo. Finally, we will also need a launch file and the executable scripts (as required by the ChoiRbot paradigm).

We analyze each of these components separately in the following subsections.

Task table

The task table is implemented in the class PositionTaskTable and is responsible for maintaining the list of task requests. The flow of the class is as follows

  1. initially, the class generates \(N\) task requests;

  2. the class sends a trigger signal to the robots to inform that the task list has changed;

  3. each robot can retrieve the updated task list from the table by using a ROS service;

  4. robots run the optimization algorithm to compute the assignment and execute the tasks (the class does nothing);

  5. as soon as a task \(j\) has been completed by a robot \(i\), robot \(i\) informs the class that task \(j\) has been executed by using a ROS service;

  6. the class generates a new task and repeats step 2.


  • each task is characterized by a sequence number (seq_num) and an ID (id). The seq_num is unique and is different for each task generated by the class throughout its execution, while IDs always belong to the range \(\{0, \ldots, N-1\}\) such that each task processed within the same optimization problem have different IDs, thus they are re-used throughout the execution of the class (recall that in each optimization problem solved by the robots there are always exactly \(N\) tasks);

  • the list received by each robot \(i\) contains only the tasks that can be potentially performed by robot \(i\). Other tasks are disallowed and can only be performed by other robots.

The PositionTaskTable class is a specialization of the TaskTable abstract class. The base abstract class may be extended to consider more complex scenarios where tasks do not merely consist in reaching target positions.

Team guidance

The team guidance layer of each robot is implemented in the class TaskGuidance and is responsible for the execution of tasks (by interacting with the local planning layer), the execution of the distributed optimization algorithm and for interfacing with the task table. The flow of the class is as follows

  1. when the class receives the trigger signal from the task table, it asks for the updated task list and waits for it on the separate optimization thread implemented with the class TaskOptimizationThread;

  2. upon receiving the new task list, the optimization thread starts the distributed optimization algorithm, which will require communication with neighbors;

  3. when the optimization is completed, the main thread saves the queue of tasks to be executed by the robot (in this example each robot is assigned exactly one task so the queue contains only one task). If a task is currently being executed by the class, it is canceled;

  4. the class executes the enqueued tasks in order until the queue is empty;

  5. if a new trigger signal is received from the task table, the task queue is emptied and the class keeps on executing the task that is currently in progress. Meanwhile, step 1 is repeated.

Just as in the MPC example, solving the optimization problem requires an Optimizer class interacting with TaskOptimizationThread. In this example, this is implemented with the TaskOptimizer, which formulates the task assignment problem and executes the Distributed Simplex algorithm ([TABNBA12]) implemented in DISROPT.

Execution of enqueued tasks is delegated to the PositionTaskExecutor class. This class uses the ROS action of the planning layer to move the robot to the target positions. The TaskGuidance class is notified by this class when a task has been completed in order to continue its flow.

The PositionTaskExecutor class is a specialization of the TaskExecutor abstract class. The base abstract class may be extended to consider more complex scenarios where tasks do not merely consist in reaching target positions.

Planning and control

The planning node is implemented in the TwoDimPointToPointPlanner. It simply consists of a ROS action that receives target positions from the Team guidance layer and forwards them to the control node on a ROS topic. Tasks currently in execution are aborted if the Team guidance layer sends a new action request prematurely.

The control node is implemented in the class TODO REF. It consists of the feedback control law for unicycles presented in [TAPK11].

Interfacing with Gazebo

See the corresponding section in the formation control example

Launch file and executables

See the corresponding section in the formation control example.

Running the simulation

To run the simulation, we simply need to execute the launch file. First we source the workspace:

source install/setup.bash

Now we are ready to run the example:

ros2 launch choirbot_examples taskassignment.launch.py

A Gazebo window will open. After a few seconds, the task table generates tasks and robots start to move to their target positions:

../_images/taskassignment_gazebo.png ../_images/taskassignment_table.png



Mathias Buerger, Giuseppe Notarstefano, Francesco Bullo, and Frank Allgoewer. A distributed simplex algorithm for degenerate linear programs and multi-agent assignments. Automatica, 48(9):2298–2304, 2012.


Jong Jin Park and Benjamin Kuipers. A smooth control law for graceful motion of differential wheeled mobile robots in 2D environment. In IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, 4896–4902. IEEE, 2011.